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Life Goals

Live, Shine, Prosper!

Get tips and ideas on how to reach your dreams, achieve financial security, and live a brighter life.


Piolo and Inigo Pascual chooses to live a brighter life Piolo and Inigo Pascual chooses to live a brighter life

Live, Shine, Prosper!

Get tips and ideas on how to reach your dreams, achieve financial security, and live a brighter life.


  • May 27, 2022

    How to save money on a minimum wage

    More people are now financially conscious. But while many already know the importance of building wealth and planning for the future, saving money on a minimum wage could be a struggle. Here are the tips to get you going on your financial journey. 

  • May 24, 2022

    Tips for entrepreneurs to be successful in the new normal

    After two years of restricted operations, there’s a tinge of hope for businesses as the world transitions to the new normal. Finally, there is a chance for entrepreneurs to rise up from the losses caused by the pandemic.

  • May 19, 2022

    Why having a Partner in Health is crucial for business owners

    Business owners are usually preoccupied with a lot of things that they tend to overlook their health needs. While business growth is a primary concern among them, having a partner in health is as important to ensure that health and wealth are both well taken care of.

  • May 19, 2022

    Overseas Filipinos Financial Worries: 3 ways to overcome these challenges and have a peace of mind

    No job is easy, and it gets especially challenging when one is away from one’s family and home. Not to mention, one has to live by another country’s customs, deal with a demanding boss, or accept the limited freedom given. 

  • May 13, 2022

    8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

    Months after the new year started, how well are you in staying true to keeping your finances in check? Financial distractions may interfere with your resolutions, but it would be easier to stick to your goals by establishing good spending habits.

  • April 18, 2022

    How to make your summer memorable and budget-friendly

    As restrictions ease, Filipinos might already see a more memorable summer after two years under lockdown due to the pandemic. However, times are still challenging. You have to be wiser when planning a fun and affordable summer vacation.

  • April 15, 2022

    Securing your child’s education amidst financial uncertainties

    When it comes to securing your child’s future, one of the best investments for a parent is the gift of education. 


  • March 15, 2022

    How to jumpstart your investing journey

    People are surrounded by uncertainties these days. With everything that’s happening around, the more the need to start investing for a brighter future. A reputable Partner for Life like Sun Life may prove to be advantageous especially for new investors.

  • March 11, 2022

    Kabayan, be home for good soon

    Overseas Filipinos have different reasons why they work abroad – to provide a better life for their loved ones, to give better education for their children, or to retire comfortably in the near future. All these dreams lead to one goal – to be HOME FOR GOOD.

  • March 04, 2022

    Tips to build your emergency health fund

    The past years have greatly stressed the importance of paying attention to your health and making it among your priorities. With the rising cost of medical expenses, building your health emergency fund is now a necessity to be spared from financial distress.