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Important notification on data privacy and cookie notice
We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on By continuing to browse our site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
ADVISORY: Payment through Paynamics is currently unavailable.
Please use our alternative payment methods: BPI Online Banking, Credit Card, Over the Counter
You place high importance on principal protection, and are generally concerned of price fluctuations. You are willing to accept low investment returns to avoid principal decline. You seek to keep your money intact and accessible, as it is earmarked for a specific requirement in the near-term.
Disclaimer: This material is for your reference only and does not constitute advice given by Sun Life. Please review your financial needs depending on your personal situation and objectives. Clients who will open an account online or via the individual account opening form (physically or digitally) will initially see three (3) risk profiles only (Conservative, Moderately Aggressive, and Aggressive) due to ongoing system enhancements. Our system, online tools, and forms will soon reflect the five (5) risk profiles (Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth, and Aggressive).
For questions or assistance, kindly consult your Sun Life Mutual Fund Advisor. Thank you.
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