Choose the university course your child might take up in the future
{{ displayCountries( }}
  • {{ eclocWithLocal }}
  • choose your target University

Tuition cost for state university
{{ formattedNumber(fundLow) }}
Tuition cost for mid-tier private university
{{ formattedNumber(fundMid) }}
Tuition cost for high-tier private university
{{ formattedNumber(fundHigh) }}
{{ eclocWithLocal }}
Now we need to ask a few important questions:
How much have you saved so far?
Existing saving should be less than ₱ 999,999
Existing saving should be larger than ₱ 0
Your expected monthly saving should be larger than ₱ 0
Your expected monthly saving should be less than ₱ 20,000
In {{ ecsavingperiod }} {{ecsavingyear}} your child
Can be studying in
  • {{ displayUniversity }}
To earn a
Estimated cost of education
{{ formattedNumber(selectedValue) }}
₱ {{ formattedNumber(ecprojectedsaving) }}
Your projected savings in the bank in {{ ecsavingperiod }} {{ecsavingyear}}
(₱ {{ formattedNumber(ecsaving) }} + monthly ₱ {{formattedNumber(userMonthlySaving)}})
{{ formattedNumber(ecshortfall) }}
Estimated deficit
Here you are the countries where you can afford The more saving you have, the more choices of study destinations you get! There is {{ affordableCountries }} out of 9 countries you can afford. There are {{ affordableCountries }} out of 9 countries you can afford.
{{ displayCountries( }}
{{ formattedNumber(place.fundneed) }}
{{ calEachFundValue(place) }}
Select a destination