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Have you ever vowed that you’ll never spend as much again, yet you find yourself spending more the following Christmas?
From gift wrappers to actual presents, this excess of material goods could be detrimental to both our sanity and the environment.
Like most things in life, it is always best to be prepared. Planning is key.
Do you find yourself overshopping online? There are simple ways to curb this urge.
Don't let the finance jargons overwhelm and keep you from investing.
The better our connection with our kids, the better they will listen to what we have to say to them.
The real world may be scary, but my dad has taught me some important lessons on life that has helped me find my way.
The benefits of financial independence is a major step towards your control in life.
Self-care is important for mental health and there are different ways to do it. Some people like to take vacation breaks but the means can also be as simple as asking for help at work, staying at home over the weekend, and reorganizing your finances because it gives you peace of mind.
Having kids run their own businesses is a great way to teach them about money.