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Life Goals

Live, Shine, Prosper!

Get tips and ideas on how to reach your dreams, achieve financial security, and live a brighter life.


Piolo and Inigo Pascual chooses to live a brighter life Piolo and Inigo Pascual chooses to live a brighter life

Live, Shine, Prosper!

Get tips and ideas on how to reach your dreams, achieve financial security, and live a brighter life.


  • January 08, 2019

    5 Plant-Based Sources of Protein

    While animal products have long been considered the primary source of protein, it is now widely recognized that a well-planned plant-based diet can provide all the essential amino acids and protein you need.

  • January 07, 2019

    Money Moves for a Bright Prosperous Year

    Start your year right with these Bright Tips!

  • December 28, 2018

    5 Ways to Bounce Back to Health After the Holidays

    As the New Year begins, many of us find ourselves feeling sluggish, bloated, and struggling to get back on track with our health and wellness goals. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to bounce back and regain our physical and mental well-being fast.

  • December 20, 2018

    Cleansing and Detoxification: Things You Need to Know to Do It Right

    With the constant exposure to pollutants, processed foods, and stressors in our daily lives, our bodies can become overloaded and struggle to function at their best. That's where cleansing and detoxification come in – but what are the best practices for boosting energy levels, improving digestion, and enhancing mental clarity?

  • December 11, 2018

    Financial Lessons We Can Learn from Christmas

    We don’t live for Christmas alone so make sure you still have money for necessities and emergencies after the season.

  • December 07, 2018

    Holiday Shopping Tips to Avoid Budget Shock

    No matter what you see on TV or social media, Christmas should not be used as an excuse to splurge or to forget important financial responsibilities.

  • December 06, 2018

    3 Money Strategies to Be Inflation Proof

    Inflation is part of a healthy economy because it shows that a country’s wealth is growing. There will be periods when it can surge. And this is the time when we need to be more conscious of our spending.

  • December 05, 2018

    How Healthy Food Can Keep You from Reaching Your Health Goals

    While it's common knowledge that consuming unhealthy food and leading a sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to one's health, what is often overlooked is the impact that seemingly healthy foods can have on our bodies. 

  • December 04, 2018

    6 Things OFWs Can Do To Keep Up With Inflation

    Reality bites: no matter their gains, increasing inflation rate is decreasing the value of their hard-earned remittance.  

  • December 03, 2018

    Should You Always Go Hard On Your Workouts?

    Making the decision to embark on a fitness journey is often accompanied by a determination to give it your all. But is it truly necessary to push ourselves to the extreme in every workout?