The call to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle is growing, and for good reason. Such practices can help protect our resources and make sure that the next generation can still look forward to a bright future. As a bonus, apart from saving the environment, these can also help us achieve financial preparedness. 

Many believe that having a sustainable lifestyle can be expensive. However, there are ways that it can be done without breaking the bank, and perhaps even save while at it. To get you started, here are five tips on how to attain financial preparedness through sustainable practices.


1. Adapt simple but sustainable habits in your daily life. Small changes can go a long way. For instance, simply turning your lights off and unplugging electrical appliances when they’re not in use can already help you lower your electricity bill. Using reusable plastic bags can help you avoid the charge for plastic bags in most stores, and you get to help lower plastic pollution while at it. Walking or biking to nearby places is great for the environment and keeps you healthy as well – and away from the high cost of medical expenses. 

2. Go for environmentally friendly purchases. If you’re planning to buy a new car, consider hybrid vehicles that are environmentally friendly and have lower fuel costs. Hybrid vehicles emit less pollution, are more fuel efficient, and can save money on gas. When it comes to home appliances, consider purchasing inverter-type appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, or washing machines. By doing so, you can save money and lower your electricity costs.

3. Invest in sustainable assets.  You can do this by getting into eco-friendly investments which grow over time, gaining profits for you while having a positive impact on the environment. If you want to invest in green energy such as wind or solar, look into ESG funds. Investing in sustainable assets can help save the environment while also bringing you one step closer to financial security, allowing you to secure your family’s future in more ways than one.


By investing in sustainable products, you put more savings in your pocket. As an effect, you move closer to financial preparedness.

Sun Life is naturally aligned with the Sustainability Development Goals. We aspire for our people and our solutions to make a difference in your life, empowering you to achieve financial security and healthier living for generations to come. 

One of our focus area is Advancing Sustainable Investing. This supports the transition towards a low-carbon economy and opens up opportunities for our clients to invest in financial solutions that have incorporated Envionment, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria in the investing process. Read more about our Sustainability Agenda here.

This commitment is also demonstrated in  our Peso Global Sustainability Growth Fund. It helps diversify assets while also creating a positive impact on the planet. Ourinvestment professionals carefully explore opportunities to allocate assets and align your needs with our sustainability objectives.

In need of good advice on how to be financially prepared for the future? Talk to a Sun Life financial advisor today!


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