Nowadays, more and more transactions are being made available in the digital platform. For instance, at Sun Life, you can invest in mutual funds, pay your insurance policy’s monthly premium, compute the potential growth of your investments, and find any information you may need online. Convenient and accessible, services like these enable you to be more hands-on in your financial journey and helps you become more responsible in managing your money.

But the topic of finances can be complicated, and you might not have not have enough knowledge to make sound financial decisions, nor the time to closely monitor your finances. It’s not easy knowing what insurance or investment products suit you best out of the many that are available out there; the processes can be confusing; and the impact certain products or services may have on you cannot be easily gauged.

This is where the expertise of a financial advisor comes in. He can help you navigate your way in this journey by understanding your needs, and recommending products or investments that are suitable for you. When life events take place – like if you decide to start a family or suffer from an unexpected illness, he can also offer assistance so that you can cope financially.  

Every person’s financial journey is deeply personal. After all, it’s attached to our dreams and it also impacts the other aspects of our life significantly. And while online tools can help you perform certain tasks, it’s an advisor who can deeply appreciate what your goals mean to you and help you find a way to make them come true.