Achieving a healthy lifestyle requires a conscious and constant effort. As we celebrate Women’s Month, we asked some of GoWell’s women wellness coaches to share their tips for a healthier and brighter life. Here's what they have to say.
AV Gawtee, Plant-based nutritionist and dietician and owner of all-vegan bakery Earth Desserts
The key to wellness is moderation. Eat well and exercise regularly but also remember to treat yourself every now and then so you don’t go crazy!
Issa Aviles, Certified Primal Health Coach
Know and accept the consequences of your choices. If you're thinking about skipping a workout or having more dessert, then make that conscious decision, don’t complain, skip the guilt, and get back on track.
Jaclyn Abergas, founder of Vegans of Manila
When given a choice, always choose to eat what will give life and sustain you, like plant-based foods. Stop choosing what’s easy and convenient because it won’t be beneficial for you in the long run.
Kakki Teodoro, Founder of Diet Diva
Choose to love and accept your body at its current state NOW! Let that radical self-love fuel the choices to eat better, move better, and sleep better, to create our healthiest and happiest lives.
Lalah de Dios, founder of Aquanimous Yoga
Know your body and from there, make smart choices that align with your body's anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. Choose those that can heal, prevent degenerative diseases, and support health, wellness, vitality, and longevity.
Marge Camacho, Pound Pro Instructor
Having a healthy mind is as important as having a healthy body. Always try to tune in to happy thoughts especially when working out.
Mitch Felipe-Mendoza, Fitness and Body Positive Coach
I keep a lifestyle journal to make sure that I always get a healthy dose of movement, sleep, food intake, and mindfulness. Journaling makes me more efficient and well-balanced in my daily endeavors.
Nikki Torres, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach
Wellness isn’t about what’s strictly “good” or “bad” for you but learning where your food choices, movement and rest patterns, and lifestyle habits stand in building a bigger picture that makes up your whole wellbeing.