Dear Jaymie,
Almost every summer for years now, I’ll tell myself that I’ll start getting fit so I can finally feel comfortable in a swimsuit at the beach. But, every single time, I can’t seem to do it! How do I start? Where do I start? What should I do? I’m so clueless! Help!
Hi Jess,
Congratulations for even wanting to get started on your fitness journey. At least we know that the motivation is there. You simply need the guidance and support to begin.
If you’re feeling nervous or intimidated about starting a workout, don’t fret. Each and every fitness enthusiast or hardcore athlete was once a beginner. We all have to start somewhere, right?
Here are my top tips for your first steps towards becoming fitter and healthier this summer:
- Choose your workout. There’s no hard and fast rule to getting fit. What works for your friend, such as running or Zumba, may not work for you or may not interest you at all. Give yourself a month or two to try different activities that gets you excited to lace up and get moving. Try various group classes at your local gym. Join company fitness classes for free to experiment. Tag along with your partner or friends when they workout. When you find the workout that you enjoy, it won’t be difficult to find the motivation to exercise regularly.
- Modify your diet. Experts have said that when it comes to weight loss, it’s 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. If you wish to drop some weight, it’s important to pay attention to your food intake. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to go on a strict diet regimen to lose weight. Small modifications, such as cutting out soda, reducing processed foods, and increasing the veggies on your plate, can help you look better and, even better, feel healthier too.
- Be confident. Sometimes, we don’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini at the beach because we’re too hard on ourselves. We see the bulge in our bellies or flabby arms when, in truth, no one at the beach really notices this. Avoid comparing yourself to toned celebrities or friends showing off their abs on social media. Try to have a positive body image by focusing on the good parts of your body rather than the ones you’re unhappy with. Wear that bikini with pride knowing that you’re a beautiful person inside and out!