I know what you’re thinking. It’s time to find some motivation to get fit and healthy again. While this might not be your first article on motivation - or inspiration for that matter – you’re still looking for the right push. I’m sure you know what you need to do, it’s just doing it. But the execution just isn’t there – YET. And now it’s do-or-die time. You need to transform and put that knowledge into the wheels of action, but how? How amazing does motivation need to be? Motivation comes in two different but related flavors:
- Extrinsic motivation is basically a motivation stimulus that comes from your surroundings to give you the spark you need to get going. Some examples may include: someone you know successfully goes through a health and fitness transformation, someone you know gets sick or ill, or you are about to get married!
- Intrinsic motivation is basically motivation that comes from the mysterious “place” inside of you to help you transform. This may be because of a childhood dream, a deep urge to be your best once again, or just good timing. While they seem to be arriving at different directions, they both help you on your journey. Extrinsic motivation will help you get started and intrinsic motivation will keep you going. By far, the most effective way to sustain your motivation is intrinsic motivation and thus will be the focus of this article. So look no further, here are 3 amazing steps to health and fitness motivation that will get you moving – finally – and permanently:
1. Dream big
The first of the three amazing steps to health and fitness motivation is to find that big dream. Dream big, focus on your scariest and wildest imaginations – for these are usually the things you REALLY need to focus on. It will usually involve one of these elements:
- being something you’ve always wanted to be
- having something
- doing or achieving something
2. Set goals
This step is as straight forward as this point infers – set goals. Once you dream big, it’s important to identify, outline, and describe in words what it is you want to be, have, do, or achieve. This is the first step to making your dream a reality. A good way to set goals is to use the S.M.A.R.T. framework: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.
3. Give 100% in everything you do
Giving 100% to what you do will allow you to do your best, and ensure that you leave nothing to chance. There’s no shortcut to success, you have to take the stairs – and one at a time.