By clicking SUBMIT, you authorize the Sun Life of Canada (Philippines) Inc. ("Company") to use and share your contact details and other personal data listed above to contact you with marketing or promotional activities regarding financial, insurance products through phone calls, mail, email, SMS or any type of electronic message to be conducted by the Company and its related parties. Your personal data shall be retained until expiration of the retention limit set by laws and regulations and the period set until destruction or disposal of records, unless withdrawn in writing or withheld due to changes in the information supplied by the Company.
Sun Life may disclose your personal data to its affiliates, service providers, and other third parties for processing consistent with the foregoing purpose, and to comply with legal obligations, as well as laws and regulations (domestic or foreign).
Your rights include the right to be informed, access your data, and rectify errors in your data. For more information about your rights and how we protect your data, you may access our privacy policy at Should you have any concerns in relation to your rights or the processing of your personal data, you may get in touch with our Data Protection Officer at