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Press release

Sun Life Floating Daycare Centers Continue to Help Kids Achieve a Brighter Future

Residents of the barangays dotting the Agusan Marshlands in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur have one less thing to worry about floods disrupting the education of children in the area, with the help of Sun Life Floating Daycare Centers.

Located along the Agusan River, the five floating daycare centers were built in 2021 through the generosity of the Macaulay Business Club, a group comprised of Sun Life Philippines’ top performing financial advisors, as well as through the efforts of Sun Life Financial-Philippines Foundation, Inc. (Sun Life Foundation) and its implementing partner, the Foundation for the Development of Agusanons, Inc. (FDAI).

During the monsoon season, the Agusan Marsh experiences water levels of up to 30 feet high during torrential rains. While the residents have adapted to their environment by making floating houses, the situation remains to be an impediment for the kids’ schooling because flood waters take nearly six months to recede even after the rains have stopped. With the floating daycare centers, however, children can continue learning even when floodwaters are still receding, resulting in no time lost in their schooling.

Apart from the safety and convenience it offers, the floating daycare centers are also fully equipped with books, educational toys, and other learning materials that will help the children with their lessons and even play time. Moreover, apart from academic lessons, the kids are also taught proper hygiene, sanitation, and other basic life skills that will help them as they become adults.

“Education is one of the core pillars of the Sun Life Foundation and we strongly believe that it is one of the ways to a brighter future,” says Alex Narciso, President of the Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc. and Sun Life Foundation. “We earnestly hope that through this initiative, we can help pave the way for better tomorrows among the next generation of Agusanons.”

Sun Life Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Sun Life Philippines. Visit to know more about the company’s commitment to communities.