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Press release

February 01, 2019

Sun Life Asset Management Launches the Prosperity Achiever Funds

Investors eager to achieve their financial goals according to their desired date may soon make it reality with Sun Life Asset Management Company, Inc.’s (SLAMCI) new offering, the Sun Life Prosperity Achiever Funds.

A first in the industry, the Achiever Funds are a suite of target-date mutual funds, which seek to grow assets over a specific period of time, functioning as simple investment solutions to help finance life goals. Target-date funds address a capital need slated for a future date, such as retirement.

At the onset, these funds are invested in equities or stocks, which can potentially generate high returns. As the target date of each one approaches, SLAMCI’s professional fund managers will systematically move the assets of the funds to fixed income securities. The funds become less aggressive as their respective target dates near, ensuring that the investor will be able to preserve both the capital and the accumulated potential gains from the investment, and achieve his goals on time.

Three options are available: Achiever Fund 2028, Achiever Fund 2038, and Achiever Fund 2048.

The Prosperity Achiever Fund 2028 is suitable for investors with a 10-year investment horizon, and may be looking to enjoy proceeds through purchase of a car or set-up of a small business.

The Prosperity Achiever Fund 2038 is ideal for investors with a 20-year investment horizon. Ideal for those in their 30s or 40s, it is recommended for those who may be looking to prepare for cost of their child’s education or aiming to purchase a house.

The Prosperity Achiever Fund 2048, meanwhile, is the best choice for investors with a 30-year investment horizon. It will work well for those in their 20s or 30s, as it will enable them to invest for milestone purchases, or prepare for their retirement.

“Pursuing our financial goals is easier if we attach a target date to it. This helps us be more focused in our financial journey,” SLAMCI President Valerie Pama said. “The Achiever Funds can help in this regard. Moreover, investors will no longer need to manually rebalance their portfolios themselves, because SLAMCI’s professional fund managers will adjust the asset allocations on their behalf.”

To know more about these funds, consult a Sun Life Financial Advisor, visit, or call 849-9888.